Performance Management Course
Our Performance Management course is aimed to the improvement of our clients’ managerial, marketing and/or communicative skills.
We provide our clients with irreplaceable tools and useful techniques. Our teachers explain both the principles behind these methods and how to apply them inside the productive process.
- Strategies for the Performance Improvement
Many details are given about: reinforcement schemes (advantages and disadvantages of fix or variable schemes); the Pay for Performance system; the importance of feedbacks and the Performance Matrix ( behavior control by mean of goals allocation).
- Self-Management
Behavioral Technologies gives important insights on behavioral self-evaluation systems, functional auto-analysis and BSM (Behavioral Self-Management). This last one gives the opportunity to handle our own harmful behavior and modify it into a positive action.
Behavioral Technologies supports our client’s firm in the customer’s behavior understanding.
- Customer behavior (identification of those buying behavior’s antecedent and consequent stimuli that determine client’s choices);
- Suggestive selling (persuasive selling techniques and assertiveness training of personal abilities);
- Customer care and consumption habits (post-sell management of the client, by mean of the consequent stimoli correct design).
- Assertive interrelation and communication:
It consists in a brief introduction about the use of verbal behavior and a focus on helpful techniques in handling interpersonal and selling meetings. We also deal with negotiation methods and technical writing.
- Leadership and managerial behaviors
The leadership focus deals with the following topics:
- Leadership definition and its unit of measurement;
- Use of communication techniques useful to gain trust, respect and authority;
- The utilization of verbal antecedents and consequences in controlling employees behavior;
- The importance of Leadership for the management of the B-BS, and more in general, for the safety in the workplace;
- Characteristics and abilities of a true Leader;
- Importance of feedback;
- Public speaking.
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Performance Management Consultancy
Behavioral-Based Safety training courses or
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